Safeguarding Information
May Update
Safeguarding Information May 2020
Here is some more information you may find useful. We are in contact with many families, students and other professionals and these areas have been raised by them.
Routines and sleep
Many people are finding the changes to their daily routines difficult to manage. The best advice is to create a new routine that enables you to balance your day. Young Devon have offered the following advice.
Plan how you’ll spend your time. It might help to write this down on paper and put it on the wall. Try to follow your ordinary routine as much as possible. Get up at the same time as normal, follow your usual morning routines, and go to bed at your usual time. Getting dressed can also help you feel better. It’s also important that you think about staying hydrated as well as eating well and regularly. This helps our bodies to have a steady level of energy which helps us to keep motivated and regulate our emotions. The change in your routine might affect your appetite, when you feel thirsty or what fluids you drink, setting an alarm or using an app might help remind you. Stay physically active.
They have also issued some useful advice on sleep:
Sleep can make a big difference to our resilience, our ability to manage our emotions and maintain positive mental health. Good sleep habits are shown to improve our mood and concentration. However for every hour of sleep missed there is a 14% increase in unpleasant emotions and feeling as well as a 50% increased chance of feeling sad or hopeless.
The NHS have some tips:
Many parents are reporting to us that they are concerned about the amount of time their child is on their devices and also the times of the day when they are on these. Remember that you can set time limits on your routers. Also Microsoft have this useful advice on setting time limits on X-box.
Contact with College
Many of our staff are keeping in contact with students. On the College website are contact details for all the tutors. The Heads of Year also have a mobile telephone number so please contact them if you have any queries. The College is linking closely with community representatives so may be able to point you in the direction of support. Remember that children of key workers and those who are vulnerable can still attend College, look out for the booking form and book your child a place if they need it. The College counsellors have also made the offer that they will support students via email, details are on the website.
County Lines
Nationally and locally the police are concerned about young people being targeted by drug dealers. After the first few weeks when there was a noticeable decline in activity there are now more reports of drug activity in the area. Devon and Cornwall police have asked us to share this with you.
Despite the Government restrictions criminal gangs are still exploiting young and vulnerable adults to move and supply drugs. #Know the signs. For more information about County Lines and how to spot the signs, visit –
Mental Health
We have previously shared with you places that offer good advice.
CAMHS are offering additional crisis support during this time. If a child or young person (under 18) is experiencing a mental health crisis, you can now access Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) 24/7. Please contact 03300 245 321 during normal hours (8am-5pm, Mon to Fri) or 0300 555 5000 outside these hours.
Callers will speak to a call handler, their call will be forwarded to a voicemail service and their message will be returned within one hour.
CAMHS have also produced a list of helpful resources, apps and organisations to support children, families and young people.
Henrietta Miles