Covid-19 Update - 1st March 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
The rules regarding testing and self-isolation for Covid-19 have now changed as of the 24th February.
The main change is that there is no longer a legal requirement for people with Covid-19 infection to self-isolate, however if you have any of the main symptoms of Covid-19 or a positive test result, the PHE advice is to stay at home and avoid contact with other people until you have had two negative lateral flow test results from day 5 & 6 onwards.
The Government guidance is available here: COVID-19: people with COVID-19 and their contacts - GOV.UK (
The main points are as follows:
If you have any of the main symptoms of Covid-19 (a recent onset of a new continuous cough; a high temperature; or a loss of, or change in, your normal sense of taste or smell) you should take a PCR test. You are advised to stay at home and avoid contact with other people while you wait for the test result.
If you test positive, you should continue to stay at home and avoid contact with other people. This includes not attending work.
If you can, you should let people who you have been in close contact with know about your positive test result.
Children and young people with Covid-19 should not attend their education setting while they are infectious. They should take an LFD test from five days after their symptoms started (or the day their test was taken if they did not have symptoms) followed by another one the next day. If both these tests results are negative, they should return to their educational setting, as long as they feel well enough to do so and do not have a temperature. They should follow the guidance for their educational setting.
Children and young people who live with someone who has Covid-19 should continue to attend their education setting as normal.
Please note that the College will not be issuing Covid-19 Lateral Flow tests anymore.
As a College we ask parents and carers to continue to support the College community by adhering to the PHE guidance for the safety of the children and their families, as well as the staff.
If your child tests positive for Covid-19 please contact the college by using the correct contact details
Reporting absence for Key Stage 3 students - (Years 7, 8 and 9)
Phone - 01395 255695
Email -
Reporting absence for Key Stage 4 students - (Year 10 and 11)
Phone - 01395 255651
Email -
Reporting absence for Post 16 students- (Years 12 and 13)
Phone - 01395 255660
Email -
Yours sincerely
Andrew Davis