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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

ECC Vision


Our Vision is to enable our students to flourish through our core values of Belonging, Ambition and Responsibility. 


BELONGING is about:

  • all students feeling like they are known and valued in a school that they feel proud of.
  • all students feeling safe, accepted and included, within a community that develops their self-confidence and self-worth.
  • diversity, in all its forms, being respected and embraced.
  • all students being active participants, not just passengers, in their school experience.
  • everyone in our community (students, staff and families) having a voice and feel like they are part of our ‘one team’, pulling in the same direction.

[Key habits: Inclusion, Participation]

AMBITION is about:

  • students being prepared, curious and ready to engage in their school experience.
  • students being aspirational, having high expectations of themselves and for others.
  • students developing the perseverance to reach their potential and achieve long-term goals.
  • students developing broad horizons and putting themselves in a position to make informed decisions about their next steps.
  • students developing the character to face the challenges that life will throw at them.
  • students being well equipped to lead their own lives and to lead others.

[Key habits: Aspiration, Perseverance]


  • all students showing kindness and respect to each other, school staff and the wider community.
  • students developing strong morals and acting with integrity.
  • students understanding their duty to others by making a contribution to their local, national and global communities.
  • students playing their part in protecting our school and the wider environment.
  • students adopting greater independence as they step towards adult life.

[Key habits: Respect, Integrity]

Please see the attachment below for our KEYSTONES to deliver our vision.