Multi Academy Trust
As a College we have been considering joining a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) nearly 2 years. It is our view that we will best be able to serve the Exmouth community through being part of a ‘group’ of schools; the vast majority of secondary schools are now part of a ‘MAT’.
After a period of research and investigation, our Governing Board took a decision to request to join the Ted Wragg Trust.
As well as schools in Exeter, the Ted Wragg Trust has recently incorporated a number of schools in South East Devon. It is led by CEO Moira Marder, who has a very strong and values-based vision for education that we feel chimes strongly with our own principles and our recently relaunched vision.
The Trust has a strong track record of supporting schools to improve, as evidenced through exam results and OFSTED inspection reports, but, perhaps more compellingly, the Trust has a broad view of education and a real commitment to tackling the wider challenges that we face in education and that especially affect the most disadvantaged. It is their view, shared by our Governing Board, that this can be more effectively achieved through really strong local collaboration, as provided by the Ted Wragg Trust. If you’d like to read more about the Ted Wragg Trust, please see Ted Wragg Multi-Academy Trust - Home (
Please visit this page for regular updates, and to view the most recent communications regarding our MAT application below. A document containing Frequently Asked Questions can also be found in the documents at the bottom of this page.
We welcome your thoughts and questions, please fill in our online form
Consultation Events:
We have organised a series of consultation events for our Parents and Carers to attend to learn more about The Ted Wragg Trust.
Please book onto these events using your child's SQuid account
Parent - 9.30am
Parent - 6pm
Parent - 11.30am
Parent - 5pm
Parent - 11.30am
Parent - 11.30am
Parent - 6m
SEND Consultations
11.30am - Main Hall Green Close
11.30am - Main Hall Green Close
5pm - Room 317 Green Close