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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Medical Appointments/Illness

Informing us that your child is absent from College

Please do not send your child to College if they are unwell

Please can all parents and carers continue to ensure they contact the College DAILY should their child be absent. Contact should be made before 8:30am so we are able to quickly establish our daily morning register.

Reporting daily absence (including Post16)

Please can all parents and carers contact the College DAILY should their child be absent.

Contact should be made before 8:30am.

Please report absence by emailing your child's key stage attendance team:

Key Stage 3 (Yrs. 7, 8 and 9) -

Key Stage 4 (Yrs. 10 and 11) -

Sixth Form (Yrs. 12 and 13) -

Please include your child's full name, tutor group and the concise reason for absence.

Students who have been absent because of sickness and diarrhoea should return to College 48 hours after the last episode.

NHS Covid advice COVID-19 symptoms and what to do

What to do if you child is not feeling well

You are legally responsible to ensure that your child attends College.

Unwell at College / Medical

It is vital that parents/carers complete the data collection form sent from College at the start of the year, so that we know who we should contact in case of emergency. Students must tell a member of staff that they are feeling unwell.  Students who are genuinely unwell will be cared for by a College first-aider. If the student needs to go home, Parents/Carers will be asked to come into College to pick up the student from either the Green Close or Gipsy Lane Reception - not a nearby location.

Please Note: Academy Staff are not permitted to send children home if they are unwell unless the child is collected by a nominated / named adult and listed on our system as a contact. Medication should not be brought into College unless a medical form has been completed.

Parents/Carers of children with medical conditions will be asked to confirm details of their child’s condition at least annually. 

Medical Appointments during College time

Students must have a note written in their Student Planner should they have a medical appointment. This must be signed by the parent and shown to the tutor on the morning of the appointment so they can also sign the note. The Parent/carer must pick up their child from the either the Main Reception at Green Close or Gipsy Lane, not a nearby location. Students should present the signed not in their Student Planner to the receptionist before signing out of College.