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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Governing Board

    Welcome to Exmouth Community College, a successful comprehensive Academy.

The Governing Board is made up of five Members and up to twenty one Governors.

The Members of the Academy Trust have, essentially, a very "hands off" role and only meet twice a year and their primary role is, formally, to appoint the Governors.

The Governors at Exmouth Community College, seek to constantly improve and enhance the College for the young people of Exmouth, both now and in the future. They are all committed to comprehensive education and as a Governing Board have three core functions which are to:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the College and its students and the performance management of staff
  • Oversee the financial performance of the College and making sure its money is well spent

Responsibility for the day to day management of the College rests with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team.

The full Governing Board meets once every half-term.  We have five main committees who also meet once every half-term. The committees manage a large proportion of our work, as set out in their Terms of Reference, which are reviewed on an annual basis at the Governing Board’s AGM.  All committees report back to the full Governing Board.  

The main committees are Curriculum, Finance, Audit & Risk and Human Resources.

We also have a Pay Committee and Admissions Committee who meet twice per year and report back to the Full Governing Board, and a number of other committees who only meet if the need arises: Value for Money, Pay Appeals, First (Hearings) Committee, Second (Appeals) Committee, Complaints, as well as our Headteacher's Appraisal Panel (who meet three times per year).

Our Governing Board consists of six parent governors (elected by and from parents of registered students at the College), four staff governors (currently three teaching and one non-teaching staff elected by staff at the College), six community governors (individuals from our local community appointed by the Members of the Academy Trust), one Local Authority appointed governor and the Headteacher.  

Governors take on a variety of 'lead roles' such as Pupil Premium and Safeguarding. We also have a Governor who takes the lead on Communication and Parental Engagement.  Amongst other things they co-ordinate the presence of a 'Governors’ Table' at all Parents' Evenings so that parents can freely discuss any aspects of the College with Governors of the Governing Board.

To contact the Governance Professional by email