Key Stage 3
Curriculum Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9)
Pastoral Development - Lesson 42
There is a rolling programme of one period per week on Wednesday for all year groups.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum
During Key Stage 3, all students will follow courses to fulfil the National Curriculum criteria. There are 26 periods in a week (lessons on Wednesdays are shorter to allow for Personal Development).
Students in need of Literacy Support
There is a modified Key Stage 3 curriculum for those needing additional literacy support which incorporates literacy, languages and humanities. This includes a 'Bridging Pathway' at transition, as well as additional one to one sessions for students who might be in danger of falling behind. Instructions on how to log in and use Lexia can be found here.
We recognise that students learn through a variety of activities such as assemblies, tutor times, activity week, visits to the library, sports clubs and other curriculum enrichment activities. In this way, students experience a wide variety of subjects and experiences, which not only develop their academic skills in preparation for their GCSE studies but also helps them develop wider skills such as, teamwork and empathy.
Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9) Progress
The progress each student makes is monitored closely and intervention will take place if a child is falling behind.
Assessment procedures continue to be revised in light of the developing curriculum. More information regarding Assessment can be obtained from the Assessment page of our website and within individual Subject sections of the site.