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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Sporting fixtures, extra curricular events and parents' meetings temporarily suspended

All sporting fixtures, extra curricular events and parents' meetings, including next weeks Year 10  Parents' evening, are suspended from today (16/03/20)

Dear Parents/ Carers

It is with regret that due to the current outbreak of Covid - 19 (Coronavirus) we are suspending, for the next two weeks, all sporting fixtures, extra curricular events and parents' meetings, including next weeks Year 10  Parents Evening, in order to reduce the risks of any transmission of this virus. We are committed to continuing to provide the best education possible throughout the day, including homework club and twilight sessions, but are trying to reduce the number of activities that bring people into College or take our staff and students out of the College on educational business.

Extra curricular activities are really important to us and form a key part of our curriculum offer to students. We very much hope that we will be able to restart these activities in due course and will review the situation in readiness for the start of the Summer Term.


Andrew Davis - Principal