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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Parent and Carer Update

Update from Principal Andrew Davis

Dear Parents and Carers,

Parents and Carers of students still attending College

Firstly you should be really proud of the way that your children have been engaging in the activities we have been offering them. We understand that this is a really difficult period for them but they have approached their lessons with good grace, energy and humour. Obviously if any of them need extra support during the day we do have pastoral staff onsite every day if they need someone to talk to.

Could we please ask that in order to reduce the risk of cross infection students change their clothes daily and that their worn clothes are washed at the highest temperature possible. It is difficult to find reliable and trustworthy guidance on this but 60 Celsius seems to be the minimum to kill the virus. 

Toolkit for families in isolation

We have also found this resource which you may find useful at from Devon Family Resource who work with families as part of Exeter Community Initiatives Service.

Keeping phones clean

It is possible that students may be spending more time than usual on their phone and so in order to stop cross infection, below is guidance on cleaning mobile phones with a small amount of soap and water with microfibre

Thanks again for your continued support.

Andrew Davis - Principal