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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Yr. 12 L2 & Yr. 13 L3 Information

Information for students, plus parents and carers too.

Dear Year 12 Level 2 and Year 13 students,

Having now had just over a week without attending College I am sure, like all of your teachers, you are still adjusting to the new way of living.  

You all dealt so well with the news that your exams had been cancelled and you were a pleasure to have in the College during those last two days. Your teachers also really appreciated the many positive things you said about them and the college. Thank you for doing that.

We have not sent you anything more about your exams as there has recently been nothing new released from the Government.  On the 20th March they said that they intend to get grades to you all by the end of July.  They are proposing that the exam boards will be asking teachers to use a range of evidence to produce a grade that they believe the student would have received if exams had gone ahead.  Just in case teachers have to produce evidence for their judgements, please could you keep your work and mock exam papers safe. If you still have work in College please don’t worry it will be kept safe.

The Government have also said that if students are unhappy with the grade they are given there will be opportunities to possibly resit exams, so again please do not discard revision notes, just in case you want to use them again.  

The link to the Government proposals is here: At the moment the Government is still consulting about this process with only very limited information about vocational qualifications and so once we have further details, we will contact you.

For now, we need you to start thinking about how to keep your education moving so that you can get a head start on your new adventures, careers, and courses in September.  For many of you, that will lead directly on from your current studies and any course will presume that you have learnt all the background.  So firstly, I would advise that you continue to ensure you are fully prepared for September. Many of you were close to finishing the course content but it would be good to finish this off wherever possible. For those of you starting courses unrelated to your current studies it will be useful to you to continue some work to keep your study habits healthy.  

To help you do this the Post 16 team has recommended you develop a timetable so your day has structure, and focus on three areas:

  1. finishing your course using the materials you have and in consultation with your teachers
  2. looking ahead by researching future projects, starting on University reading lists, or doing a MOOC
  3. using Career Pilot, Student Hut and other resources to research career options and other self-development opportunities

Please give them your best efforts to give yourself an edge over other students whatever your next step may be. Furthermore, you should make a conscious effort to do your ten a day for mental wellbeing. The Post 16 team are only an email away to support you in any of these endeavours.

You will always be Exmouth students and we will always do our best for you.

I hope this clarifies the current position for you as well as:

  • emphasising the importance of trying to finish off your course content
  • keeping any evidence such as essays, exercise books, tests
  • keeping revision notes just in case you wish to re-sit in the future
  • doing quality preparation for whatever you are starting in September

If you have any queries following this letter, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at the College via our website. We will be happy to help.

Yours sincerely,

        Simon Tanner                                       Henri Miles                               Andrew Davis

Assistant Principal Post-16                     Assistant Principal KS4                              Principal