Virtual Sports Day
Eight challenges to complete
We are running a Virtual Sports Day week next week (6th-10th) where the pupils will be given 8 challenges to complete. They have the week to complete them and then they need to submit their results through a Microsoft form by 12 noon on Friday 10th July (the example one attached below is for YR7 only)
This PowerPoint for each specific year group will be sent to them via their PE teachers - so please use the link on the power point to send results in.
The winning tutor group for each year group will each get a certificate and we will sort medals for the winner of each event when we come back in September. PE staff will also pick one student each to win an Amazon voucher, so please encourage the pupils to send in their videos or pictures of them doing the events and encourage them to post these on our PE twitter page @exmouthccsport ... or email them to their teachers if they prefer.
Stuart Lowe - Head of Sport and Leisure
Contact - 01395 255743