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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Fire Regulations and Evacuation

All students must read, understand and know the College fire regulations displayed in their Tutor Base. If in doubt about these, they should ask their Tutor.

Fire practices are held on a regular basis and fire notices are posted in every room.

The College has an established and tested "in case of fire" procedure and policy. We also have a "stay put" in classroom procedure in case of severe weather, chemical spill or intruder on site.    


The 3 messages / alarms relating to an emergency evacuation

  • The 'Alert Alarm': warns of an incident on site, do not leave the classroom

  • The 'Evacuation Alarm': leave the building by nearest exit. A loud emergency sounder followed by an announcement except in the Grange.  Go to the designated collection point

  • The 'All Clear' : 5 consecutive rings on the College bell.