SEND FAQs for parents/carers

Transitioning from Primary School to ECC
How will my child be supported with transition to year 7?
We have regular contact with your child's Primary School throughout their final year. We work with our Primary School colleagues to put together a transition package for those who need it most. Most students will have visits to ECC before they start (Covid restrictions permitting). We can also arrange for your child to have visits to ECC (Covid restrictions permitting), prior to starting, to get a feel for the school and to meet some of the key staff that your child will be in contact with.
Working with our Primary School colleagues, we put together a transition package for those who need it most.
Can my child have extra visits to ECC before starting in year 7?
Most year 6 students come to the College with their classmates to work in specific subject areas and the library (Covid restrictions permitting) during the course of the year. For children with a SEN, we work with our Primary School colleagues to support additional visits where and when we can.
What should I do if I feel my child has Special Educational Needs, but this was not recognised at his/her Primary School?
It is really important that you have these conversations as early as possible with the Learning Support/SEND Department at the Primary. Outline your concerns and why you feel your child has a SEND. Some needs require a medical referral and you will need to ask your GP for help with this.
You can contact Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS) for free and impartial advice around SEND Matters:, or 01392 383080.
Getting in touch
When will I be able to discuss my child’s progress or any concerns I have?
There is an annual Parents' Evening and termly progress reports are given. Concerns should go directly to class teacher in first instance or pastoral team for more general concerns.
If my child is having an off day, is there an area where he/she can go to feel safe and talk to someone?
Your child will have the appropriate places for them to go if they need to, shown to them during the transition phase as well as regular reminders once they are on roll. You can help them by encouraging them to highlight those places on the map they will be given
Who should my child speak to at school if they are worried about anything?
Your child will have access to dozens of adults through the course of the week, and they can talk to any of those they are comfortable with; however, normally, the first port of contact should be the Form Tutor, who they will see daily
Who should I contact if I have any worries or concerns about my child?
If you have concerns about a specific subject, then you should contact the class teacher in the first instance, pastoral concerns should be directed towards the pastoral team. Concerns about SEND should be directed towards the Learning Support Dept.
Will there be any support for my child, with regard to their well-being?
We take all children’s well-being seriously and there is always someone to talk to at ECC. The first port of call should be your child’s Tutor.
What should I do if my child is having friendship issues or feels they are being bullied because of their need?
It is best to speak to their Tutor regarding these sorts of issues and your concerns would then be looked into straight away.
Other Questions
My child takes medication for their condition, can they bring their medication into school?
Only prescription medication can be used in school, which will need to be provided to the Key Stage Office for your child to be able to access.
My child uses a wheelchair, how accessible is the school environment?
ECC is fully accessible for wheelchair users and Learning Mentors can help with crossing sites if required.
What resources are available at ECC to help my child with their Special Educational Needs?
We have many resources to help your child and their needs. Depending on their need we will be happy to discuss ways we can help and support your child so that they feel comfortable and happy at ECC.
If my child is struggling to keep up with homework, who can I contact?
You can contact the subject teacher directly. We also run a homework club after school in the library where teaching assistants provide support with homework.