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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Accelerated Reader

How Accelerated Reader Works at ECC

Dear Parents/ Carers

As we begin a new half term, we are taking the opportunity to remind both students and parents/carers about how Accelerated Reader works at ECC and the importance of engaging fully with the programme.

Please see the attached presentation which has been shown to students in Years 7- 10 in their English lessons this week ( I also attach the original letter which went home to parents/carers when we launched AR).  

The presentation reminds students of the many benefits of daily reading, how to access AR library books in a safe way, how to take AR quizzes, how we monitor and reward good reading habits and how we will be supporting students who need to boost their reading minutes.

We would be grateful if you could support us by discussing the AR programme with your child and by ensuring they complete the average of 20 minutes of daily reading, which remains their primary literacy homework. 

If you have any questions, in the first instance please email KS3 English Coordinator Ms Vowden (


Yours faithfully,

Emily Perry

Head of English