DofE Practice Expedition on Dartmoor
Year 11s, 12s and 13s complete their Silver and Gold DofE Practice Expedition on Dartmoor
Last week saw our Silver and Gold DofE groups complete their Practice Expedition on Dartmoor. The teams started the expedition with their first night wild camping in the mist sharing the spot with sheep, cows and Dartmoor ponies!
As the week progressed, the weather became hotter, but the teams were resilient,well equipped and trained to cope with the changing conditions. Their map reading skills were exceptional, and team work was outstanding, making the job of the leaders very easy!
Accomplishing two nights and three days for the Silver team, and three nights and four days for the Gold team, they all passed the practice expedition with ease and they are now ready for their qualifying expedition in the Brecon Beacons in two weeks time.
In addition to their volunteering, skills, physical and expedition, the Golds will be taking part in a five day residential activity during the summer holidays which will complete their award. Next stop- Buckingham Palace!
Lynn Tisbury D of E Manager/Ten Tors Coordinator