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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Exam Results Success 2019

Results for A-Level and GCSE Courses


Students and staff at Exmouth Community College are once again celebrating stunning results despite the introduction of new, tougher A levels qualifications. At least 76 of our students have confirmed their places at university of which nearly a quarter are going to a Russell group University including two students who own places to Bristol University. During the year we have also seen students moving on to employment and we have actively promoted apprenticeship routes which we have also seen students move into. As a College we are enormously proud of the achievement of each individual student with the ambition of the College being to inspire everyone to achieve more than they ever thought possible. The students receiving their results have certainly shown what is possible through their pursuit of excellence, hard work and resilience. Congratulations to all of them!! 

At A level our results are strong, reflecting our relentless pursuit of high-quality teaching, individualised support for each student and an outstanding commitment on behalf of every member of staff to help every student, no matter what their ability, reach the very highest grades possible. As a result, students have exceeded expected levels of progress based on their GCSE results across a very wide range of subjects. 

  • Students and staff have achieved 33% A* to B grades, with 69% of all grades being A-C. 
  • Three students achieved straight A*-A grades, and students across the range excelled according to their enthusiasm and abilities. 
  • 33% of students achieved A* to B grades. 
  • 69% of students achieved A*- C grades. 
  • 96% of students passed all their examinations (A*-E). 

As a College we believe in offering a wide range of curriculum options and an important part of this offer are subjects such as Criminology, Computer Architecture, Sport, Health Studies and Childcare Skills. These more vocationally based subjects are equivalent to A Levels and equally rigorous but here our students have also excelled and been incredibly successful. 

56% of results from Sport, Media Studies, Child Development, and IT being at the top grades of either Distinction or Distinction Star. This is a fantastic achievement by both students and staff, since these are recognised by both university and industry as being high value qualifications. Very well done to all those students! 

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Simon Tanner, Assistant Principal and Head of Post 16 said: “I am proud of these results. This has been richly deserved by students and staff who worked with focus and determination throughout the year. Government figures showed we achieved above the national rates of progress with our students last year, and these figures suggest we have repeated that: this will undoubtedly give our students improved life chances. As a result, many are going to be able to pursue fantastic opportunities, from Computer science to Midwifery, from Psychology with study abroad to Fine Art.” 

College Principal Andrew Davis said “This is yet another fantastic set of results for Post-16 which illustrates the value we add to the educational experience of students in Post-16 which not only enables them to get the grades required for their next step but also enriches, inspires and supports them as individuals during their time with us. We know that there are students within the cohort who had huge challenges outside College at times and are particularly proud of their success sometimes against many other difficulties. 

These results are a testament to both our Year 13 students who were fantastic ambassadors for our College throughout their time with us as well as the staff at the College who have once again showed incredible skill, huge determination and great commitment to continually go the extra mile to support our Post 16 students and help them achieve these results. 

The success of our Sixth Form is based on great teaching, outstanding pastoral support for each student and wider curriculum opportunities beyond the classroom. It is clear that this group of students really embraced this approach and, when combined with their motivation, talent and grit, has produced a set of results which I am sure they can be very proud of. I know as a College we are very proud of all of them and would like to take this opportunity to thank them and the staff for all their amazing efforts throughout the year and wish those students leaving us this year all the best for the future.” 

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On behalf of the Governing Board at Exmouth Community College, Chair of Governors Margaret Turgoose said “These results are excellent news and I am absolutely delighted for our students that they have achieved such great results this year which enables them to go on to the next stage of their life whatever that might be. Exmouth has a Community College of which it can be very proud. As a Governing Board we know that good results only come from very hard work from the students and the staff working together and are very grateful, as ever, to all the staff, teaching and support, for the amount of time and effort they put into supporting our students.


We are still awaiting some results and the outcomes of various appeals so overall figures still subject to changes. However, we believe the results will build in many areas on the strong improvements in results we saw last year with over 60% of students achieving a standard pass in both English and Maths and almost 40% of students achieving a strong pass. We were particularly pleased to see very strong progress in Dance, Drama, RE, Craft, Biology, Electronics and Spanish with Science consolidating the significant gains they made last year. The range of subjects listed here once again shows the importance we place on students being given opportunities to succeed across a broad curriculum, which meets all their needs, skills and interests.

English and Maths once again produced good results with 16% of students achieving a Grade 7 or higher in English Literature (previously grades A* - A) and almost 70% of students achieving a standard pass in Maths (previously grade C and above). 

Some subjects have also managed to have over 30% of their students achieving the highest grades of 7, 8 and 9. These are Biology, Electronics, RE, Graphics and Spanish. 

Overall, though we are very pleased with the results across all subjects with 70% of students achieving at least one grade above Grade 4 and 7% achieving at least one Grade 8 or 9 which equates to a huge 199 Grade 8 or 9 results (equivalent to A** and A*) for our students this year. 

The College would like to take this opportunity to congratulate every single one of our students on their achievements against a backdrop of increased rigour within our national examination system. 

Very many students have undoubtedly worked very hard to achieve these GCSEs. We are particularly pleased with the way that students, parents/carers and staff have worked together to ensure students were prepared for these exams. Students attended extra classes and came into College at weekends and holidays to improve their confidence about exams. On some Saturdays, parents and carers even joined their children so they knew how to support their child! Our thanks go to all our parents/carers who have supported the College and their child over the past five years – your support is greatly appreciated. 

Amongst the students who have worked so hard are some that stand out for their exceptional performance and others who have worked through adverse issues to emerge successful. 13 students have achieved the highest grades of 7, 8 and 9 in all their subjects which shows remarkable dedication across a wide range of subjects. 

Henrietta Miles, Assistant Principal KS4 said:

I am so pleased that students who have worked so hard will be able to access the courses they have planned for next year. It is very important to the team at KS4 that all students are supported to achieve their best and these results show that many students did just that.

Ben Findel-Hawkins, Head of Year 11:

There are some amazing individual achievements in these results and I am so pleased that the hard work that students and staff have put in over the last two years has paid off in so many cases.

Principal Mr Davis:

We are exceptionally proud of the students from Year 11 and that the levels of effort and commitment many of them showed has paid off for them in their final results. We look forward to many of the students returning to study with us in Post-16 in September, particularly given the great results Post-16 achieved last week, and for those students that aren’t, we wish them all the best for their future. May I take this opportunity to thank all of the staff, both teaching and non-teaching colleagues, who once again did their upmost to achieve the very best results possible for each individual child in their care. 

On behalf of the Governing Board at Exmouth Community College, Chair of Governors Margaret Turgoose said “It’s so good to see that our students have achieved some great results in their GCSEs this year. These results, combined with our A level results last week, demonstrate yet again that Exmouth has a Community College of which it can be very proud. As a Governing Board we know that good results only come from very hard work from the students and the staff together and our College is fortunate to have a very dedicated group of staff who provide huge amounts of support and inspiration to our students every day.”