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Exmouth Community College

Exmouth Community CollegeAcademy Trust

Uniform Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

We know that preparing for the new school year in September can be challenging. To help support you, please find attached our Uniform and Equipment Expectations Guide.

This document has been created to ensure that all parents and carers are clear about both uniform and equipment expectations from September. The information is designed to guide you when purchasing uniform and equipment for the new academic year.

It is extremely important that students come to College in September ready to learn, meeting the correct uniform and equipment expectations for every lesson.
In September, tutors will check every morning that the expectations of uniform and equipment are met. Should uniform or equipment expectations not be met, students will be given negative points on class charts. Please can you review the lists attached and only purchase items listed. 

Many students find it helpful to organise their uniform and equipment the night before by looking at their timetable for the next day. This helps them establish good routines and ensures they learn to take responsibility for their uniform and equipment each day.


Proserve Group Unit 3, Dinan Way Trading Estate, Exmouth EX8 4RS 
Ship Shape 16-18 Albion Hill, Exmouth, EX 1JL 

We appreciate your support in ensuring your child will be ready to learn in September with the required uniform and equipment. Hopefully you will find this information helpful to receive at the start of the summer holiday.  We wish all students a restful summer break, stay safe and well and we look forward to welcoming everyone back in September.
Yours sincerely,
Mr D Turner
Deputy Principal